🔥It’s Go-Time! Revealing the Unmissable Insights From Our August Edition

Dear esteemed members and supporters,

Welcome to the August edition of our monthly global newsletter, presented by the GYMHA Incorporated team. We are delighted to share with you some exciting content that we hope will inspire you.

Here’s a glimpse of what awaits you in this edition:

  1. A message for the IYD 2023 – Help the Next Generation Create a Sustainable World
  2. Perfection to Progression: Exploring the journey from a pursuit of perfection to embracing personal growth.
  3. Perfectionism as an Unattainable Ideal: Unravelling the potential risks and pitfalls of striving for perfection.
  4. Overcoming failures: Discovering strategies to bounce back and learn from setbacks.
  5. Breaking the Stigma: Embracing Mental Health for a Happier, Healthier You: Promoting open conversations and support for mental well-being.
  6. Navigating the Impact of Social Media and Technology on Mental Health: Understanding the effects and proactive steps to manage digital well-being.
  7. The Importance of Digital Wellness: Tips and Tricks for a Healthy Relationship with Technology
  8. GYMHA, Australia Heart-to-Heart Instagram Show: Join us for an insightful discussion on mental health and well-being.
  9. Help the Next Generation Create a Sustainable World
  10. New additions to our Team

Additionally, we are pleased to provide you with:

Fully Funded Scholarships: Opportunities for personal and professional development.

Volunteer opportunities: Engage and give back to the community.

And many more exciting updates.

We value your feedback and suggestions to continuously improve our offerings. Please feel free to share them with us at jude@gymha.org. Our mission is to provide unwavering support, and your input helps us achieve this goal.

Thank you for being a part of our community and for your continued support. Here’s to a great month ahead.

Warm regards,


A message for the IYD 2023 – Help the Next Generation Create a Sustainable World

As we reflect on International Youth Day 2023, it is important that we acknowledge the significance of this year’s theme: “Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable World.” The Green Skills for Youth initiative is aimed at equipping young people with the knowledge and skills necessary to create a more sustainable world and tackle the challenges of our time.

GYMHA is committed to playing a vital role in empowering young people to take action and contribute to a more sustainable world.

Read More: Message for the IYD 2023



Perfection to Progression

By DeepShikha Tripathi

The quest for perfection frequently hangs over our lives in the hectic and competitive world of today. We frequently find ourselves striving for an unreachable ideal due to pressure to perform flawlessly in multiple disciplines and societal expectations of perfection. The road to genuine growth and fulfillment, however, rests in embracing progress, thus it is crucial to understand that perfection is an illusion.

Perfectionism as an Unattainable Ideal

By definition, perfection implies an absence of the flaws or flaws. However, in reality, humans are flawed creatures by nature. We can only begin the journey of progression and self-improvement by acknowledging and accepting our flaws. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses.

Read More: Perfection to Progression

Breaking the Stigma: Embracing Mental Health for a Happier, Healthier You

By Lawal Merit Ifeoma

Today, there are many stereotypes surrounding mental health. When you mention the term “mental health,” many people believe it’s about being crazy, insane, or funny, among other derogatory labels. Mental health is the way you live, laugh, and relate with people. It also includes how you handle your work, business, and vulnerability. Permit me to use the phrase “Your mental health is your day-to-day activities. You are your mental health.”

Read More: Breaking the Stigma



Navigating the Impact of Social Media and Technology on Mental Health

By J. Ediae


The rise of social media and technology has had a significant impact on our lives. It has changed the way we communicate, work, and socialize. While the benefits of technology are countless, it has caused some concern when it comes to mental health. There has been a growing concern that the excessive use of technology and social media can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. As mental health practitioners, it is crucial to understand the ways in which technology negatively impacts mental health and how to address these issues.

Social Media and Mental Health:

The use of social media has exploded in recent years, and it has become a significant part of our daily lives.

Read More: Navigating the Impact of Social Media and Technology on Mental Health

The Importance of Digital Wellness: Tips and Tricks for a Healthy Relationship with Technology

By J. Ediae

Introduction: Technology plays a huge role in our daily lives, from smartphones to laptops and everything in between. But, with so much technology around us, it can be easy to fall into the trap of being constantly connected and glued to screens. This can have negative effects on our mental and physical health, which is why digital wellness is becoming increasingly important. In this blog, we’ll go over what digital wellness means, why it matters, and some tips and tricks for achieving a healthy relationship with technology.

What is Digital Wellness?

Read More: Digital wellness 

Introducing our newest board member, Derick Mildred

Dear friends,

Please join us in congratulating and welcoming our newest board member, Derick Mildred, to Global Youth Mental Health Awareness (GYMHA) Incorporated.

Derick brings a wealth of experience in B2B sales, real estate, and the mortgage industry. His expertise includes helping people through specialized LinkedIn for business training, LinkedIn coaching, and Facebook strategies. Additionally, he has a digital agency that offers social media services, coaching, training, and online courses, with a specialization in Facebook and LinkedIn for those in B2B sales, real estate, and the mortgage industries.

We believe that Derick’s skills will greatly contribute to the development of our social media platforms and fundraising strategies. We are excited to work closely with Derick and our other board members to advance GYMHA’s mission on a global scale.

Thank you for your continued support.

Introducing our newest board member, Salim Mohamed

Dear friends,

We are excited to announce the newest addition to our Global Youth Mental Health Awareness (GYMHA) Incorporated board of directors, Salim Mohamed.

Salim Mohamed is an innovative and aspiring leader who brings extensive experience in youth work, community development, and education. With a proven track record in planning and coordinating youth-centric programs, Salim is passionate about supporting young people to reach their full potential. He also has deep experience working with disengaged students and those involved in youth justice. As a community-oriented professional, Salim has worked directly with parents, guardians, and carers to provide one-on-one outreach. He is committed to self-development and continuously expanding his knowledge to better serve communities and young people.

We believe Salim’s skills will be invaluable in youth development and the GYMHA Academy Project (GAP). We are excited to work closely with Salim and our other board members to advance GYMHA on a global scale.

GYMHA, Australia Heart-to-Heart Instagram Show.

🌟 A heart-to-heart conversation about mental health and well-being 🌟

📣 Hello everyone! Today let’s have a heart -to- heart conversation about something important and often forgotten.

Date: Wednesday, 2nd of August 2023

Time: 11 pm IST

6:30 pm Nigeria

12:30 pm Dallas USA

Watch the recording here: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cvc8IhOImso/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

🌟 Mental health is just as important as physical health and affects all of our lives. We create a safe space to discuss our feelings, experiences, and struggles without judgment. 🤗 Together we can break the stigma of mental health and create a supportive community where everyone feels heard and valued. 💚

🌞 Remember that it’s okay not to be okay. We all have challenges, but we are not alone.

Remember that it’s not selfish to prioritize your well-being; it is essential for a balanced and fulfilling life.

💙 Together we can make a difference. 🌍✨

Host: DeepShikha Tripathi

GYMHA Training Manager, Counsellor/ Life-Coach, Best Selling Author, Founder at Prayas, and Project Director at Poornpeetham.

Special Guest: Mr. Vijay Shankar Tripathi

Spiritual Coach

For any enquiries, please email jude@gymha.org or WhatsApp us at +61481857086

#MentalHealth #WellnessTravel #BreakThestigma #HeartToHeartConvo#GYMHA

Mindful Moments with GYMHA

Theme: Embracing Mental Health for a Happier, Healthier You

Date: Monday, 7th of August 2023

Time: 8 pm Nigeria

2:00 pm Dallas, USA

Watch the recording here: https://x.com/i/spaces/1ZkJzXRBqXDKv

Facilitator: Lawal Merit Ifeoma

Content Creator and Founder at Alpha Girls, GYMHA Ambassador and Volunteer Engagement Coordinator

For more information, please inbox jude@gymha.org

GYMHA Mind Matters Talk Show

Theme: 5 Unique Ways to Promote Mental Health Awareness in Teenage Girls

Date: Thursday, 3rd of August 2023

Watch the recording here: https://youtu.be/ewFYWy_A0Mc


  1. Mary Ozuruonye Agholor – Moderator
  2. Nur Ahmed
  3. Vilma da Luz Barbosa
  5. Amb. Mehjabin Prodhan Faiza


Volunteers make GYMHA a real community and a thriving hub for connections and services. GYMHA is always in need of people who are willing to help and share their time, talents, and skills. We have different programmes and activities where you can choose to help. If you don’t have the time to do volunteer work but you are willing to help, we will be happy to accept any treasure you can share with GYMHA. If you have any ideas or projects in mind that you think will be very helpful to the community, you can also share them with us.


  1. Cambridge University Scholarships

Closing: Oct 2023


  1. Gates Cambridge Scholarship

Closing: Oct 2023


  1. Graduate Research Scholarships

Closing: Oct 2023


  1. Chevening Scholarship

Closing: Nov 2023


  1. Canada Graduate Scholarships

Closing: Dec 2023


Book your GYMHA Emotional Intelligence online course https://gymha school.teachable.com/courses/emotionalintelligence/lectures/39537275

Lifeline’s crisis text service goes 24/7 to help more Australians


Book here for your Psychological first aid

GYMHA membership – https://gymha.org/?page_id=2977

Psychological First Aid Training

Course: https://youtu.be/NPGeqyrc8do

Workplace mental health: https://youtu.be/yq4c2gQhoIQ

Special thanks to our writers, editors, and all our amazing contributors.

We’d love you to connect with us:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Global-Youth-Mental-Health-Awareness-


Instagram: https://instagram.com/gymha2020?igshid=24c0tna6rbte

Twitter: https://twitter.com/GGymha

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/globalyouth4real

Website: www.globalyouthmentalhealthawareness.org



For any enquiries, please inbox jude@gymha.org

About Us:

Global Youth Mental Health Awareness (GYMHA) Incorporated Not-For-Profit, Australian registered health promotion charity was launched in the year 2019 in response to the growing need to communicate and engage with professionals and the youth of the community, to the issues associated with Youth Mental

Health and the stigma associated with those individuals who may seek help.

Membership Registration