Tips and Tricks for Dealing with the Trauma of Losing Your Phone By Mary-Anne Ifeoma

The advent of COVID-19 gave rise to online transactions thereby limiting physical interactions. To so many people, the phone serves as an online office. So imagine the trauma associated with loosing such a treasured gadget at gun point, snatched by hoodlums, and or stolen from public transport. It can be distressing and traumatic. It comes with lots of discomfort, frustration, anxiety, and blame game. The victim’s emotional outburst is most often downplayed by the people around.

Here are some tips to help you cope.

. Take a few deep breathe: Calm down so you think clearly. It’s hard but it helps.

. Report the incident to your network provider so as to retrieve your line.

. If necessary, file a police report depending on how the incident happened.

*Emotional Coping Mechanism*

. Acknowledge the fact that it’s normal to feel anxious, frustrated, or vulnerable.

. Practice self-care. This is not the time to cut off from everyone. Engage in soothing activities such as meditation, and exercise.

. Seek support. Talk to trusted friends, relatives, or counsellors.

. Stay positive.

Practical steps:

. Once you’re able to get a new phone, ensure you replace essential contacts.

. Back up vital information on cloud.

. Download phone finding apps.

. Consider phone insurance or tracking device.

. Use phone security features such as; password, and fingerprints lock.

. Keep valuables secure in public

. Be vigilant, especially of your environment.

. A phone case or wallet with RFID blocking is advised.

With all the above in place, you can then think of how to recover from this traumatic experience by seeking professional help.

Engaging in activities that promotes feelings of control and safety.

Always bear in mind that losing a phone is not a reflection of your worth or identify.

Reach out for help by connecting with us:



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