Summit 2020

Virtual Summit 2020

Global youth mental health awareness (GYMHA) not-for-profit in collaboration with various local and international reputable organizations Presents our 2-day Stress Management Revolutions Virtual summit 2020. 

This is a FREE virtual summit to give you the techniques you need to control the stress you experience in all areas of your life! The summit will help the participants to focus on how to manage stress and adversity, build an unshakable core of inner strength, and thrive in a challenging world.



Stress Management Revolutions Summit is a stage that provides a perfect combination of brilliant science, an open environment and enables participants and speakers to focus effectively on the exchange of thoughts and relevant experiences that also encompasses the entire scope of Psychological and Neurological studies. 

This is a FREE SUMMIT but registration is essential.

During this FREE summit, you’ll discover:

  • A deep understanding of how stress operates and how it impacts our emotions and our thought process that hijacks our day.
  • A SIMPLE practice you can use immediately to reduce your stress and reactivity
  • Live musical performances and cultural dance.
  • Through a process of retrospective learning you will master eight fundamental strengths that will not only improve your resilience but will also help you to regain joy into your life professionally and personally.
  • Understand the Causes of stress, why do you get stressed, why is it important to manage stress, Symptoms of stress, Chronic and circumstantial stress.
  • Stress management techniques and stress management activities.
  • Stress management in the workplace.
  • Learn how to stay calm and in control when faced with challenging times and with difficult people.
  • Be able to identify, manage and recover more quickly from challenges and adversity by learning 10 simple ways to help you become more resilient in the future.
  • Skills that will allow you to better manage difficult situations and people by being able to control your own and other people’s emotions
  • Learn how to protect your body from stress.
  • Develop greater mindfulness, compassion, and self-compassion.
  • Become more determined, confident, and courageous.
  • Learn about childhood adversity, its effects on lifelong health, and strategies for healing.
  • Gain insight into trauma and loss, and how to overcome them.
  • Learn ways to be more effective with others and at work.
  • Learn how to hardwire inner resources like self-worth, calm, and forgiveness into your nervous system.
  • Learn about the different levels of stress, which ones are good for us, and which ones are not.
  • Begin to build your resilience through a variety of strategies.
  • Use control mechanisms to increase personal effectiveness and build resilience to manage stress.
  • Build a personal resilience plan that you can apply to almost any situation.
  • Learn and implement our 10 techniques to help you become more resilient.
  • GYMHA online courses
  • Scholarships
  • Global opportunities
  • A full Q & A session
  • A certificate to boast your resume (upon request)
  • And More

Stress Management:

Stress is the natural defense of the body against real or perceived danger. It flushes hormones in the body to prepare systems for preventing or facing danger. This is called the response to “fight-or-flight or freeze.”.

When we face a challenge, it’s part of our physical response. The body activates resources to protect us by either preparing us to stay and fight or to escape as quickly as possible. Lifestyle factors that cause this reaction are called Stressors. Examples include noise, antisocial behavior, a speeding car, scary movie moments, or even a first date out. The more we experience Stressors, the more we tend to feel Stressed.

Stress can be both a powerful motivator as well as a damaging hindrance. It all depends on how you use it! When experiencing some sort of pressure in life, we call this stress. Stress is usually the result of some sort of demand in our life, and we experience stress when the demands are high. Stress is the body telling you to act, which means stress can be positive or negative depending on how you use it.

This summit provides an incredible platform for people from various countries and industries to engage, socialize and interact with extensively experienced speakers from all over the world. Be part of this virtual summit to figure out more about Stress disorders, treatment/therapy, and resilience building.

We look forward to your participation in the virtual summit on STRESS MANAGEMENTS REVOLUTIONS!

Guest Speaker profiles

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Global Youth Mental Health Awareness (GYMHA) Not-For-Profit organisation was launched in Australia last year in response to the growing need to communicate and engage with professionals and the youth of the community, to the issues associated with Youth Mental Health and the stigma associated with those individuals who may seek help.

For any enquiries, please inbox us at